Sunday, February 07, 2016

Border(s) Are Next

My  grove of wintery improv trees is now all together, it just needs a border or two.

It will not be a large quilt but it is so white that somehow I cannot see it being used as a throw for the sofa. Maybe I'll change my mind on that, or maybe it will be hung. Either way, I like it as much now as when I started playing with making the trees.

Several of the quilts that I looked to for inspiration included a bird or two, and Dori was lobbying hard for one to be included, but at the end of the day I felt that the stars and the trees were enough. Towards the bottom I did insert a few very subtle improv 'icicles' under one tree to add a little interest, but no birds.

I had planned to make two fairly wide borders on it but I'm leaning now to just one with the white version of this swirl patterned fabric on the right (I used some of the cream in the quilt).

The polka dot fabric on the right was to be the second border but it may well end up being the binding instead.

It's Superbowl Sunday so there will be lots of football on TV today. No more time to play with borders and bindings right now cause I've got a pot of chili to make. May the best team win (even though I'd love for Peyton to go out on a high)!....M


  1. Love your tree top, it looks great

  2. Beautiful! You could always quilt a bird or two.

    I can see this as a great quilt for napping under on your sofa.

  3. Your trees are really beautiful. Sounds like keeping things simple is the best way to go. We're hoping Peyton plays well too.

  4. Absolutely a fresh snowfall out in the woods! Perfect!

  5. I would love to go for a walk in your snowy forest. It looks very peaceful!

    love the icicles too.


  6. I love that you kept it to trees and stars Marie, it looks womderful and peaceful. You could always surprise Dori and put one on the back as part of your label!

    I'm glad your wish came through, I didn't watch the whole game but thought how he handled the win very gracefully.

  7. Oh, it's just perfect, Marie. Perfect! I love the bare trees and the colors you've chosen for them, and I especially love the little snowflakes/stars. This quilt says winter as much as looking out a window at the snow. (I don't know how I missed this post from six days ago!)
    Nancy. (ndmessier @,


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