Saturday, January 30, 2016

Out On A Limb

My layout for the winter improv trees is slowly being put together. Because the blocks are not set in a traditional grid it's meant that a little problem solving is in order to figure out the best approach to assembling everything. It's a lot like making a puzzle and I find it easier to do a few seams at a time, walk away and then come back to it.

I'm building out each of the tree blocks with random strips and most of these units are now ready to be sewn together.

There's one little spot where I still have some work to. It's best if you can get straight runs of seams rather than working around little squares like this so I still have some thinking to do.

It helps to make the sashing strips a bit wider than you think you need so that you have extra to play with if you need it.

This little strip will mix thing up a bit so that all of the sashings aren't just long straight strips.

I've really tried to incorporate as many different creams and whites as I had and I like the effect....M


  1. I love the puzzling that goes on with blocks like these. (At least most of the time I do.) And I really love the results when the blocks are all together. I think your light backgrounds will be beautiful. I can't wait to see the finished quilt.
    Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  2. Your puzzle is coming together and all the creams and whites continue to create a beautiful winter woods.

  3. What a beautiful quilt! Well done

  4. Love your improv trees - and that little star is so cute too!

  5. Little Rie: you are doing a bang up job, love it. You have great talent. Happy Feb. 1st. Lindiana xo

  6. I love your snowy trees. The use of so many different whites and creams is elegant and sophisticated. It's not easy to work with such a limited palate, and you have done it beautifully!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.