Saturday, January 16, 2016

Looking For A Place To Land

Without those self-imposed Christmas quilt deadlines I'm at a bit of a loss as to which project to land on now - and it's not for a lack of options - so, I'm floating from place to place playing with different projects as the feeling moves me. Red and white HSTs were the first to catch my eye.

There's been a pile of HST trimmings sitting at the far end of my ironing board since I sewed the stars for Nantucket. Originally they were going to be for potholders for the Holly Bazaar but I didn't want to make up too many of the same thing so on the ironing board they sat.

I played with layouts for a bit and had enough to come up with this, along with a scrap of pretty black floral and maybe a touch of gingham. Nice.

They all got trimmed but I kept think that more HSTs would be nice. I also had this nagging feeling that there should be more of them. What to do? A modified dumpster dive, of course!

At the bottom of a pile on the cutting table I came up with about eight more.

And then another pile surfaced in another corner. They were like rabbits!

So now I have this. The black fabric strip is folded so I have almost twice the length that you see, so this could go bigger if I was so inclined. Still pondering. Maybe it's a pillow, maybe it's the centre of a medallion.

I'm lovin' that floral with all the sharp HST corners. Something tells me it was a klepto quilting find while rummaging through Jane's scraps at the cottage.

This is what my design wall looks like and you can see that it's only one little corner, so I've got a few other things that I can turn my attention to while I decide. More about that the next time...M


  1. I feel that way every time I finish up something I've been working on. It takes me a little while to settle on a direction. Your design wall looks like it has several lovely possibilities.

  2. Your design wall looks very inviting with its several different quilts in progress hanging there. When I first read the title of this post and then saw the half-square triangles with two arranged to make a goose, I thought you were perhaps thinking of that as a title for the quilt. (ha ha.)

    I do like your arrangement with the darker red strip in there. And isn't that the truth about scraps being like rabbits.

    Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  3. Marie: I am drawn to your little collection of tree branches. Lovely novel block. Lindiana

  4. Love your projects on the design wall!


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