Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Return To Spring

I was travelling for work this week, which meant little or no time to play with the design wall and my little grove of improv trees, so I've turned my attention to hand piecing. I picked Danuta's Garden up again over the holidays when I was looking for something that I didn't need to prep or cut and finished off the last dozen or so nine patch blocks and the few remaining Ohio Stars.

All in all there are 72 blocks, which was a pleasant surprise, because sometimes you can feel like little or no progress is being made.

I also finished a third of seven of the long sashing strips and have put together more of the shorter three-block sashing units. I mix it up with making the tiny four patches.

Now I'm back into the rhythm of it. There are still four long strips of sashing to be made and about 24 of the shorter units so it's not like this will be finished any time soon, but it does feel like it might get done this year....M


  1. Love your fabric choices, such a lovely variety of spring colors. I like the start blocks.

  2. Great way to spend your down time when travelling for work!

  3. Wonderful colors. Love the pattern. We do what we can do, when we get time to do it. Have a good week.

  4. Such lovely photos of your project... enjoy each stitch!

  5. Well Marie your Garden quilt is further along than mine so I'd say you are making good progress. I am still in the process of making the 393 4-patch blocks and have not started the stars yet either. Hoping this quilt will be finished this year too. Keep going, you're doing well.xo Lindiana

  6. Such pretty happy colors. It's going to be a beautiful quilt!


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