Friday, December 18, 2015

Not A Binding In Sight

Still no binding made or attached yet to either Nantucket or Country Charmer. Running around doing Christmas prep has been consuming all of my time in the evenings and by the time I sit I'm too pooped to sew anything. Not to say that Nantucket hasn't already been used for the odd nap by the tree...

The upside of all of this is that I am ahead of the game in the gift wrapping department. I am notorious for still wrapping gifts long after guests leave our Christmas Eve celebrations so this year the goal is to have all of that done by this weekend. After that it will be time to bind (oh ya, and scrub floors...).....M


  1. All in good time...stop and smell the Balsam! The binding will get done and Santa will come...just enjoy the season!

  2. It's hard to get it all done. Just enjoy the moments. At least the gifts are wrapped and the floors can wait.

  3. The gifts look beautiful under the tree. Hope you get a moment to catch your breath and relax under one of the new quilts (even if they aren't bound!)

  4. Marie it all looks so lovely, and I'd like to curl up beside your tree under than quilt and just take it all in. I got your lovely card yesterday with the hand-stamped envelope and it looked marvelous! Your gifts are so beautifully wrapped. Everything you do is a work of heart. Keep up the good work, and don't worry about the quilts. There will be holiday time for that. xo


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