Thursday, November 12, 2015

The End

When the KitchenAid hits the counter it's a sure sign that it's the beginning of the end of the bazaar prep.

White Chocolate Gingerbread cookies were first up and gave me a chance to break in new cookie sheets that Anne had gifted me a while back. They are huge - 15 x 21" - the full size of an oven rack, which means lots more cookies to a pan (35) and much less jockeying around the kitchen switching up cookie sheets. And the cookies release beautifully. Happy, happy, happy. Thanks Anne!


I also made Triple Chocolate Chip Cranberry Oatmeal cookies, but because I didn't have milk chocolate chips in the house the 'triple' became 'double'.

There was also a batch of Apple Pecan Cake that I made in eight small Bundt pans. I've made the cake this way tons of time but today they decided to be picky and not release from the pans. Fun. After much prodding and convincing I had six cakes ready to be packaged; the Official Cookie Tester was quite happy sampling the two rejects with a cup of tea.


I've just packaged up some Social Tea Squares, so the kitchen is now officially closed. Sometimes I think that the parcelling takes as much time as the baking but when you see everything together you realize why you do it.


And, the last six hearts are finished too (bonus!) so everything is ready to go. Whew!....M


  1. Looks like the cookie tester had a good day.

  2. Wonderful effort in the kitchen and the sewing room.

  3. Oh my, oh my!! I caught up on your last few posts and my have you been one busy little bee! And such cute, cute, cute projects!!! Wanted to jump through the computer screen and sample those cookies - yum, yum!!!

    Blessings and hugs!


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