Friday, November 20, 2015

Resistance Is Futile

It's back to stars this week - seems hard to stay away from them lately. The Official Cookie Tester really liked the table toppers that I made for the bazaar and has requested one for our table, so I'm striking while the iron is hot.

Maybe it wasn't hot enough. I was obviously on another planet when I started trimming the pieces with the points...really, what was I thinking?

This is what it should look like.

This time around I laid all of the blocks out before I started sewing so that I could get a sense of fabric placement. The first two that I made I had just made it up as I went. This was faster and more organized, at least until I started trimming :).

Seemingly in spite of myself I have managed to get everything together and ready to quilt.

I'm happy that I've found a project to use that mitten fabric in. I've had it for a couple of years now but never seemed to be working on the right project to use it....M


  1. Another beauty, Marie! What size squares are you using?

  2. What a pretty topper!
    Love your little felt ornaments too.
    Happy sewing

  3. Marie: looking swell, a great combo of reds and greens, gets you in the Christmas spirit doesn't it. Working on a stocking for Logan right now and enjoying the Christmas-y feeling. xo

  4. I'm happy you found a place for your mitten fabric. They are lovely table toppers.

  5. I love this pattern in Christmas prints very nice!

  6. Cute, cute, cute!!!! I might just have to see if I can conjure up one for myself - you sure are inspiring my, Marie!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  7. It's lovely when the husband gets on board with quilty decoration.:) This looks very fun!


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