Saturday, October 31, 2015

Starry Eyed

Just before heading to the cottage last weekend I showed you a hint of a table runner that I had started for the bazaar, thinking that it would get bound and finished out there, however, it took until late last night for me to finish it off. But finished it is.

I used the same 12-inch star block that I used for Nantucket and it seemed like the perfect excuse to use the skinny quarter inch border again, too.

The fabric for the border is lovely, so much  so that I think I might need to pick up another piece.

I can't say that I feel the same about the fabric that I used for the backing. There's something a little unsettling about those cardinals in my mind (I think it's the gold ring around the eye), so they have been relegated to the back of the bus.

Despite the Official Cookie Tester asking if we were keeping this one it is headed for the Silent Auction tomorrow at the church. We need a new roof so every little bit will help.

I also went to the cottage with a pile of squares cut from various Christmas fabrics to make another runner - same pattern but this time with white stars and a more folksy feel. About four blocks came home with me, but I was having so much fun that I made another four.

To switch things up a bit I laid them out in a square instead of a long row. Truth be known, the blocks are only nine inches finished and I thought that it was just a little too narrow for a runner (that's what you get for doing late night math).

They are about 18 inches square and make a nice little table topper so the gals at the church will like them for the craft table.

Anyway, both are now quilted and bound. The red gingham was a leftover piece of binding that I found and there was just enough. I like the green and white polka dot too. The Official Cookie Tester thinks that we need one of these too and if we do, it will be bound with green. There's been so much binding going on around here lately that almost anything that moves is in danger of having a binding attached to it!

Time to go and get the front porch ready for our trick or treaters. Happy Halloween, everyone!....M


  1. Marie, your runner and table topper are beautiful!

  2. Marie, you are a machine, and I mean that in the best possible way! haha
    Everything is looking great and very Christmasy. Would love to see the stockings when they are finished as well. Happy Halloween! jane

  3. Your Christmas table toppers are just so pretty!! Again, I love the border fabric with those red stars!!! Those "folksy" stars are perfect for any decor - they'll be a hit for sure!!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  4. Marie: Production at its best. You have a great way of combining fabrics for beautiful outcomes. Lovely and getting me in the Christmas mood--after all--it is November; only one of the "ber-r-r-r" months. Lindiana


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