Wednesday, October 14, 2015

And The Last Shall Be First (or, Nantucket Redux)

Despite starting off great guns with Country Charmer in the hopes of having it quilted by Christmas, Nantucket is the one that reached the finish line first. It has been staring me down from the design wall for a few weeks, and for a few weeks, between work and holiday weekends and the like, I seemed to manage to avoid it. Until last weekend.

After all of the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving I had quiet time on Monday to play a little. It was such a spectacular day that I was dying to get outside and do some gardening, but I gave myself and hour to sew first.

Well, it took closer to two hours, but it's done, and it feels great. I quickly laid it out on the guest bed to see if it was going to be large enough and it is. Just. It's plenty long but it could be just a tad wider for my liking, but it will do. I'm glad that I made it big enough to fit on a bed and know that all of those little nine patches will put a smile on my face every time I see them.

I've been so obsessed with assembling the tops that I've forgotten totally about the backings. Cross your fingers that Roberta has something tucked away that will work when I take them to be quilted.

So, now it's time to get serious about the borders for Country Charmer. I've washed three different fabrics but am toying with how many I will actually use. I missed my September deadline with this one but with any luck at all, it will be all ready to quilt by the end of this weekend....M


  1. Wow, you've finished it already! I bet all those 9 patches are amazing in real life. Congratulations, great job!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous!!!
    I so love those 9 patch blocks, they make me want to make some, maybe with my blue scraps?
    Will have to wait till I've finished the main project they are being used for lol
    Congratulations it looks wonderful

  3. Gorgeous, anyone would be happy to see that quilt on their bed.

  4. I like the way you made Nantucket bed size. It turned out beautiful. Your quilt looks like it's happy to be done too as it flaps happily in the fall breeze. A great finish.

  5. Your finish is STUNNING!! All those wonderful happy nine patches! Love them all! Your border choices are perfect!!

  6. Just a thought...You could easily put on a scrappy neutral border onto your nine patch quilt...making it bigger and it would pop the whole quilt.

  7. Gorgeous Marie, I especially love the wide, wide border… Another one to add to the list…

  8. This turn-around definitely kicks you over the line to crazy quilt lady! Looks lovely.


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