Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sewing Up a Storm

Minnie has been getting a lot of attention while I sit and do my hand stitching, but on a regular basis I've been heading to the sewing room for short stints to work on Country Charmer, and its all adding up. Things are moving along beautifully, to the point where I've now got more than half of the 30 blocks that I need sewn together.

Here, in no particular order, are 16 of them; two more are sitting on my sewing table, which gives me 18. I'll get upstairs the next time to give you a better sense of the colours.

Here's a hint of how they will look with the sashing.

To say that I can't believe that I'm this far along is an understatement. With 53 pieces to a block I expected things to go at a very moderate pace, but when you get into a rhythm you have a block or two done before you know it. Actually, I've started putting the sections for three blocks together and then do the last step for all three at the same time so it really feels like you are making progress.

Four of each of these two units and a 2.5" centre square make up a block. The instructions have you working on the narrower (in this case red) section first but for some reason I've gotten into the habit of making the square corner sections first and working backwards. Either way, it works.

By the way, is that not the tiniest red and white houndstooth you've ever seen?

Here's a close-up so you get a better sense of what I mean.

At this speed I'm now hoping to have all of the blocks finished by the end of the month. Wish me luck!...M


  1. It seems like what you said, when you get the rhythm, it's amazing how quickly even a block with lots of pieces goes together pretty quickly. Your blocks are looking fantastic.

  2. the blocks are coming along beautifully, the fabrics are so pretty.
    Will be done before you know it.


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