Thursday, July 23, 2015

Cream With a Side of Sashing

I know that I said that my cutting for Country Charmer was finished but now it truly is. All of the cream background pieces and the strips for the sashing are now done too.

I just laid all of the cream pieces on top of the little stacks for the blocks so they are all on the same tray and easily contained. It's amazing that all of those little piles are enough for a quilt top.

So now to sew. I resisted the temptation of making a block right away and opted to work on the 9-patches and the sashing to really feel like I was making progress. And progress was made. All 9-patches are finished (I think there's around 40) and all 71 of the 8.5" sashing strips that I need too.

I'm totally loving the red and cream together and can't wait to see these pieces beside the blocks. The cream is a tad on the grey side, sort of the colour of vanilla bean ice cream (how can that not be good?), and the red is just perfect in my books. On to the blocks....M


  1. Lynn has some fabulous patterns. I highly recommend her patchwork book too. I'm going to enjoy watching this quilt grow and imagine I'm doing one myself. Someday!

  2. Isn't it fun when pieces all go together so nicely and the results are perfect.

  3. wow so many pieces!!
    I would have had to make a block straight away I'm too impatient.
    love all the colours


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