Friday, July 03, 2015

A Second Heart Ready To Go

My second yo yo heart is all prepped and ready to be appliquéd.


I had toyed with making two smaller hearts side by side on the same piece (it's the last piece of backing that I have) but opted for one larger one instead, so I made a few more yo yos and then glue basted things into place. Isn't it amazing the difference is colour when photos are taken at night, with the lights on?

It looks like it's going to be a beautiful weekend so this will give me some stitching to do (like there isn't already a list!) and time to enjoy the last of my peonies.

They have such a heady fragrance!

Love, love, love peonies....M

1 comment:

  1. Lovely heart with yo yos and love pink peonies. My plant is so small yet, no blossoms for a couple of years. The perfect pink in my mind. xo Lindiana


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