Monday, June 08, 2015

Mission Accomplished...Almost

There wasn't as much left to cut for my blocks as I thought so now all of the prints are cut, I just need to cut the yellow for the stars.

Funny, when you look at the two piles of blocks it doesn't look like that much. The stars are on the left and the 9-patches on the right.

For the 9-patch blocks I paired most of the fabrics before I cut so that I'd cut only what I need and not have lots of leftover squares. I tried to avoid too many duplicates of the same combinations to keep it interesting.

When I saw all the prints together I was happy with the combination. The first few blocks that I had pieced weren't really getting me too excited but when I see the prints all together I'm happy with the combination. There were one or two in the pile that I culled but there's still lots of variety.

In keeping with the garden theme they are all floral/organic prints. When all is said and done I think it's going to be greener than I had imagined, but that's okay - it's supposed to be a 'garden'.

So, the list maker in me is happy to have both of these piles able to be stroked off my 'to do' list. Now I just hope that I have enough of the yellow background fabric....M

p.s. Anne and a few friends were up bright and early this morning (now June 10) for the Edge of 17 - The Ottawa Valley Shop Hop. Between now and June 13, eight shops are waiting to stamp your passport for your chance to win the fabulous grand prize - an overnight getaway and a basket full of quilting goodies. If you're in the area and looking for something to do it looks like great fun; all of the participating shops are listed at the link above. Looking forward to seeing what she comes home with!


  1. Your fabrics do shout summer garden and will have the look of a blended quilt. Well done. I'm a list maker too and there's nothing better than scratching off something, big or small.

  2. What a great selection of floral prints. They have the look and feel of Liberty fabrics. I'm really looking forward to this quilt!

  3. Pulling up the rear again on my garden quilt--nine patches almost done and working on the stars as well as the hundreds of little 4 patches. But what's time to a pig I say? lol Nice job Marie, will be a beauty. Lindiana


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