Friday, June 19, 2015

A Five-Star Week

There's been lots of gardening and yard chores on the schedule this week but I still find myself with a small collection of finished star blocks for my border. This print came from mom's stash and is really beautiful - blue geraniums, orchids and hydrangea. I've never seen it in a shop but have always loved it and it is nice having a memento of mom in the mix.

Being able to pick them up whenever there's a spare minute helps move things along, even just a little bit. It also helps to sit and work out some of those kinks from weeding and pruning and planting :).

I think that this is the only Liberty print that I have used, but I just love it.

If you look closely you'll see that I had to stitch the centre block to make it large enough, but that's what I love about quilting. With so many pre-packaged kits it's always fun to find those 'make do' blocks when I look at a quilt. For me it's all about using it up!

The variety is starting to build nicely.

I might switch to making a few 9-patches just to change things up. Or maybe something completely different. My hands and head are getting itchy for a change of scenery; such a short attention span.

One more close-up of this one, just because I love the print....M

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