Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Saying Thanks

Remember when I was making Sea Glass and Linda offered up the perfect grey print for the backing? She very generously just gave me the fabric and I've been looking for a way to say thank you. Well, on the weekend I finally did. She's a fan of pincushions and of birds so I cross stitched this pincushion for her.

It's a sweet pattern that her sister Jane sent me from Pinterest a few months ago and it just seemed like something that Linda needed. It has been years since I've cross stitched on linen and either the weave has gotten tighter or my eyes have gotten weaker (I'm going with option B on this one) so it took a bit to get it right, but with a good lamp I was off and running.

The pattern more or less dictated that the piece would be long and narrow so I set to work finding a backing and a little trim to finish it off. The red gingham is a piece that mom picked up years ago on a trip to the States so it was nice to be able to incorporate that as well.

It's filled with lavender scented walnut shells so it smells lovely. This was the first time that I had used this filling and, while I like the weight it gives the piece, I have to say that it's a tad floppier than I would have liked, but I couldn't figure out how to stuff it more and still sew it closed.

I'm sorry that it has taken so long to be delivered but she was happy with her new little friend and I suspect it will be well used. I also have a heart garland for her that Julia made but it was AWOL from the gift bag so now I need to figure where I've laid it. If I only had a brain....M


  1. Very sweet! Quilters are so generous.:)

  2. A very sweet gift and your stitching is lovely. I like your idea of including the lavender with the crushed walnut.

  3. That's a perfect thank you gift. Long pincushions are good because they fit just in front of the sewing machine.......but I think this one is too pretty to use!

  4. Love this! You've finished it beautifully and I love the way you've used the lace.

  5. Hi Marie: I just popped over from Chantal's blog. I like your blog and I've just decided to follow you.

  6. Marie: once you start putting the little 4-patch units together in strips you start to really see the quilt take shape. I am really liking your strips, keep going, I'm sure it will be beautiful when finished. Thanks for the pin cushion, loving it. Lindiana


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