Saturday, April 11, 2015

Stars For The Garden

Despite all the hopes for brighter weather last weekend we have had just the dullest of weeks. Hopefully today will mark a turnaround. Maybe a few stars for Danuta's Garden will help.

It's a nice little collection but I do find myself wondering if I should have had more specific colour palettes for both the border stars and the sashing rather than making the whole thing scrappy. But then I remember how much I liked the original so I think I will just stay to plan.

The last two still have a few rows of stitches before they are complete.

These last two blocks are made from different colours of the same print. Pretty....M


  1. Lovely stars! But don't forget to enjoy the nice weather today. Very windy but sunny at my place :)

  2. your stars are beautiful.
    all the different colours look great.

  3. I understand your dilemma about scrappy. But the beauty is that scrappy goes with anything, and looks so authentic.

  4. May I ask where you got the pattern, would love to make one?


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