Sunday, March 08, 2015

The Choir is Warming Up

The end of February was my target date for finishing the quilting on Confetti, but we're already into the first week of March and it's still on the hoop. That's okay. All of the large triangle patterns are now quilted around the whole quilt (yay!) so it's a matter of filling in between them with one of the smaller squares, figuring out how to quilt the corners, and then this one will be ready to bind. I can almost hear the choir warming up to belt out the Halleluiah Chorus when the last stitch goes into this one!

Yesterday was when I finished making it around the edge and the whole time I was accompanied by my little visitor, Baylea. Truth be known, she snored through most of it, but I'm certain that she was as excited as I was when I finished the fourth side.

And I pressed my new little needle holder into service; so much better than impaling myself on the tip of a needle every little while - a lot less painful and you don't have to worry about bleeding on the quilt! He's quite the distinguished little fellow so I think I'm going to call him Gustav. Gustav Meerkat. That has a nice ring to it. Betty's using hers as well but no word yet on whether she's going to name it or not... :).

Anyway, since I was on a roll, I started in on the smaller squares  that need to be inserted (like the one to the right of the red block) and got one side of the quilt finished.

It's going to look like a nice lacy finish along the edge.

When you find yourself wondering what to bind it with you just know that you're nearing the end. I don't have anything but scraps left from the fabrics in the quilt so I'm hoping that I can find a nice creamy pink or blue gingham, which I think would finish it off nicely bound on the bias.

Back to the hoop...M


  1. Oh I know that feeling of getting close. On my last two quilts I made the binding before I started quilting so I had no excuse to get it done. Love your little needle holder. I have never seen any thing like it. Looking forward to seeing the whole quilt when you reveal the finish

  2. You can rush perfection! Two cute helpers!

  3. well done you are on the home stretch!
    Your furry assistant must find quilting taxing to end up snoring at least your little meerkat will always be on guard to help.

  4. Oh yes, I can see the finish line from here. Baylea looks like she can't wait to see this quilt done. Maybe she thinks it will be hers lol. Enjoy!

  5. Your quilting is lovely, it sounds like you a eve joking working on this one.


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