Tuesday, March 03, 2015

One Surprise After Another

It seemed like every time I turned around this past weekend there was another happy surprise waiting for me. If you recognize Liberty of London packaging you'll know where my first little bundle of joy came from.

Our friend Ann K from Ottawa was in London a while back and brought Betty and I each a packet of Liberty Art Fabric Scraps. Be still my beating heart. Scraps! And from Liberty of London! Does it get any better than this??? Betty surprised me with this little packet when we arrived there on Saturday evening to celebrate my brother-in-law's birthday. What a treat! Betty has claimed the packet on the left, the darker of the two collections, and that's just fine. Now I need to get to thinking as to how I'm going to use mine...Guess if I run out I might need to go to London myself a get a bit more :).

And these two charming little Meerkats were included in the parcel as well. They are magnetized and help you keep track of your needle. How cute, and perfect for me as I tend to find needles and pins in the sofa cushions or when I'm taking off my top. This will save me from myself. Ann is always so at sending little surprises when you least expect them. Thanks a million, Ann.

Then on Sunday I gave myself a surprise. I sat down and quilted the Scrappy X baby quilt. It took me a few visits to the machine to get it done, but done it was by dinnertime and no one was more surprised than me.

And, to complete my surprise triple header, just before I turned in for the night Sunday evening I received a note from Lynn at Sew'n Wild Oaks that I'd won her Strip 'n Sew giveaway! It's a wooden rack not unlike a pasta dryer that her husband, the ruggedly handsome Mr. Joe, made in honour of Lynn's appearance on The Quilt Show, (apparently he wanted to name it Strip Search, but I am just going to call it the Stripper...). She had quite a funny post about her beautiful dog Mazey making the draw that I think you'd enjoy.

Mr. Joe will be making more of these in his spare time so they've bought a branding iron and now each one has the Sew'n Wild Oaks brand on it soooooo, as Lynn suggested, my Stripper now has a tattoo! I'd better stop before this gets out of hand, but you can see why it was such a nice way to head off to bed. Thanks so much Mazey, Lynn and Mr. Joe - you made my day!....M


  1. You are on a roll. Wonderful surprises. Love those little meerkats......and the stripper

  2. What a great weekend of quilting goodies for you. Enjoy!

  3. It certainly was a great day. We all deserve a day like that once in awhile!

  4. I am so jealous of your Liberty of London fabric scraps! Would love to fondle them sometime. hahah

  5. I loved the little meerkat needle holders so I did a quick search and found a shop in England that sells them. I'll be adding one to my sewing kit because I placed an order!


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