Tuesday, March 31, 2015

(Design) Wallflowers

In addition to working on the sashing for Danuta's Garden I've got a few of the 9-patch and star blocks together and up on the design wall. I'm not convinced that the contrast is strong enough on the bottom 9-patch but I'll wait to see what it looks like with other blocks added to the mix.

I have to say that I've gotten used to stitching relatively small pieces all the time so the pieces for the blocks feel large (they are about 3" square), so I suspect that once the sashing is together the rest of it should go fairly quickly - famous last words.

It's always good to see the layout through the lens of a camera because you see things that aren't readily apparent to you just looking at it face on. For example, I'm surprised by how much blue is in this section of sashing; I'll need to work a mixing up the palette a little more....M

1 comment:

  1. beautiful blocks and I love all the mix of fabrics in your 9 patch blocks and those little ones are so cute.
    happy sewing.


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