Monday, February 16, 2015

The Big Chill

We woke to -41 C yesterday morning, which meant that there wasn't a whole lot of activity happening on the streets. It's been a long time since temps have dipped this low so it was the perfect excuse for sitting by the fire and quilting.

But first I decided to press a pile of hexie diamonds that have been accumulating for Minnie. The box sits by my chair in the study and I often work on them when I watch television; as I finish each diamond I've been tossing them back into the box and it was surprising to see how many were ready to press.

Of course after they were pressed it was too tempting not to lay a few out and see how they look together. The layout for the quilt is different than what's shown here but it gave me a good sense of the mix.

And then it was time to find a spot by the fire and quilt Confetti. Believe it or not, I rounded the corner and am now working on the last border; this quilt might actually get finished yet!....M


  1. Brrrrrr.....that's ounds impossibly cold. What a beautiful pile of diamonds to keep you company though. It's going to be a masterpiece. Great job on the quilting. It's such a good feeling when you're on the home stretch.

  2. Your hexie diamonds are looking amazing, Marie! It's such a spectacular quilt, and I can already see that you're going to nail it. Stay warm!

  3. Sounds like the best sort of thing to do with those temperatures around - brr! Your diamonds are looking great - amazing how the pile can grow so quickly and well done on the quilting!

  4. What a wonderful surprise when you checked your basket. Your blocks are looking great together. Glad you didn't have to venture outside today. Stay cozy.

  5. what gorgeous diamonds, I wouldn't resist playing with arranging them.
    Happy quilting and stay warm!

  6. Wowsers that sounds cold!! Your diamonds are amazing. Perfect for a winter day.:)


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