Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Strawberries & Cream

Strawberries & Cream is now quilted and bound and ready for a little gal to snuggle into. It's quite a romantic little quilt and totally reminiscent of strawberries and cream, so that's what I've called it.

Backed with a cream pink polka dot and bound with my fave - bias gingham, in pink - it is totally little girl but I think it would also make a really nice large quilt for an older girl. I toyed with making the backing a large print but this one just kept going to the top of the pile.

Several of you had suggestions about my question as to whether I should add more rows of stitching or not. Well, I did add a few double horizontal rows and really like the effect - it's an elongated grid but still nice and open and keeps the quilt soft. And now I can rest easy that the batting won't shift/tear.

Time now to start thinking about how to quilt the Strippy X blue/grey baby quilt so that these can be bundled up and sent off.....M


  1. The gingham is perfect for the binding. Very sweet touch for a little girl.:)

  2. you have finished off this quilt so beautifully.
    love a pic of a folded up quilt.
    well done on your finish

  3. Great finish. The binding is super cute.

  4. A perfect name for a cute little quilt. The extra quilting does look good!


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