Sunday, February 08, 2015

Let Me Call You Sweetheart...

Maybe it was the overcast weather, maybe my short attention span, but whatever it was I was keen to work with some brighter fabrics long before I finished off the little blue and grey Scrappy X quilt - love it but I really enjoy working with more colour better - so I thought I'd make another baby quilt, this time in pinks for a little girl.

I just started cutting 3" squares in pinks and before long had another quilt laid out on the design wall (I know you're getting sick of hearing it, but this design wall is just making things sooo much easier than working off the floor - love it!). Do you think that maybe there was a little Valentine's Day inspiration creeping in from my time on Pinterest...?

The background is more of the same - 3" squares in creamy neutrals -  a very strawberries and cream feel to it - maybe I'm trying to channel summer weather instead of the big chill that we've had this winter.

I chain pieced the columns together and then set about pressing the seams for each row in opposite directions. This morning as I was waking up I realized that if I laid a press cloth/piece of fabric overtop of the rows that were already pressed it would be easier to press each subsequent row. Old dog, new trick. I'll have to remember that....M


  1. The pink is lovely. I have a design wall, can't do without it any more!

  2. love your pink heart, what a great baby's quilt.
    the design wall is definitely a knee saver.

  3. Hello, I just came to your blog after seeing one of your lovely quilts on Pinterest (sea glass). You do beautiful work and are very inspiring!! I am following on Bloglovin so I can see more, thanks so much for sharing your talents!!


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