Sunday, January 18, 2015

One Treat After Another

I had to make a quick trip to Toronto for meetings, which I don't always favour in the middle of winter, but this one turned out to include a few sweet treats so that helped.

For starters, our friend Mireille had ordered a Galette des Rois (King's Cake) - the flaky, buttery, puff pastry kind with a layer of crème d’amandes - for our family from a lovely little French bakery on Mount Pleasant called Thobors (I could happily live out the rest of my days there...), so I was able to pick it up. We dug into it last night and the oohs and aaahs just kept coming. And, I was lucky enough to find one of the ceramic figurines that was hidden in it, so that was fun too. It's a lovely tradition and if you want to try making one of your own it looks totally doable.

Then, on the drive home I happened upon a new quilt shop in the lovely little hamlet of Bethany. It's called From the Heart and just opened in December. It is a lovely space with a great selection of fabrics and more coming in all the time. I found a few pieces for Minnie and a red holiday print too.

I also picked up another packet of Clover silk pins (I use these all the time - they are wonderfully fine), and I tossed a soft thimble into the bag too. I want to learn how to quilt with a running stitch so that I can move along faster rather than the single stitch method I use so I thought this might act as an incentive.

Edyta Sitar's book Handfuls of Scraps came with me too. I really love the cover quilt and the combination of hexies and appliqué.

The shop hosts Fireside Fridays where you bring your stitching and sit by the fire for the afternoon; I think mid week it's Wooly Wednesdays. Wish I lived closer. Their website isn't up yet but they do have a facebook page that you can visit if you are interested.

About an hour after arriving home our weekend company arrived so it's been a full several days. Today it will be hand stitching and more quilting and maybe a little playoff football. I'm looking forward to putting my feet up....M


  1. King's Cake.... OMG it is gorgeous. and you say it tastes good, too? I wonder if I could...
    Love your hexie project.

  2. Your cake sounds scrumptious. Love your goodies, interesting book.

  3. Oh yum! I love the fabrics you bought for Minnie. She is going to be so pretty! Also thanks for the heads up on the new quilt shop in ON. I sure hope she will eventually have an online shop!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful place to visit. I would be afraid to live too close to a fabric store or a bakeshop. My bank account would get slim so fast and I, on the other hand, would ... oh never mind. lol. Lovely hexies.


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