Sunday, January 25, 2015

No More Rolling Around on the Floor

How long have I been saying that I need to get things up off the floor and make a design wall so that I can have a better perspective on things and not have to spend my time laying out blocks on my hands and knees doing my best impersonation of an Olympic gymnast doing a floor routine? Well, thanks to my favourite nephew, I now have.

He delivered two sheets of insulation for me (about a year ago already!) but they have been languishing in the garage until I figured out what I was going to do with them. This week he cut them down to six foot heights for me so that I could get them down the stairs and wrap them in batting, just taping it to the back sides.

Because I expect to be moving these around a fair bit I went back after the first round of taping and just secured all of the loose edges so that things wouldn't come undone. So now I have almost a complete wall in my sewing room that is a design wall - yippee skippee!

In hindsight, I probably should have had them cut six inches taller but I have to manoeuver around a few tricky corners so I went for the shorter height. I'd still like the boards to sit higher on the wall so I'm going to get him to build me a little platform with a ledge so that I can snug the panels between the ceiling and the platform without having to nail anything into the wall to secure them. Right now they are sitting atop two shoe boxes. Classy.

So, as soon as they were up I had to try placing my star blocks and some geese. The room is very small so I think I'm going to need to use a different lens to be able to get more of what's on the wall into the frames to share with you (I had to leave the room to take the photo at the top of this post!). Also, because there is no natural light in the room it's tough to get shots with true colours - I'm going to have to see if I can get different bulbs that don't throw such a warm glow over everything.

Anyway, back to the quilt. I still like it with just all the star blocks and nothing else, but the geese haven't been ruled out yet.

Remember I said I wasn't sure if this was one quilt or two? Well, this is the idea that is running around my head for the second option - columns of geese in varied lengths. I'll make more geese and see where that takes me. In the meantime, I'm pinching myself that this is actually done....M


  1. Great idea. Lots of these DIY options popping up in blogland.

  2. well done, that a great idea for an easy diy design wall. the blocks look amazing. good luck deciding with those geese.

  3. Glad you're not on the floor anymore. It does give give a different perspective.

  4. Yeah, design wall!

    Marie, there is a way to hang them yourself. Go to the Lowe's wood framing section and locate 4 flat metal rectangles that have pre-drilled holes. The ones I found were at the end of an aisle, on an end-cap.

    Using the size screws used in putting up window blinds, simply screw half the metal piece in place on the insulation. The top half juts above the insulation and you can screw it right into the wall. Or, hang up a yard stick and find a way to attach the plate to the yard stick so you can take it down easily. Just e-mail me with any questions. Best of luck. San


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