Wednesday, January 07, 2015

A Little Journaling

Jane has hinted a few times that she really likes the journal covers that I make, and I've been wanting to make one for her, but wanted to ensure that it was a surprise. I figured enough time had passed and this Christmas was a good time to deliver.

Because I don't make them that often there's always a bit of a learning curve when I get back into them, remembering the modifications that I've made to the original pattern and getting the dimensions right. This time was no different.

I spent a lot of time pulling colours that I thought suited Jane and came up with this combo of very organic prints, predominantly in a rose/plum colour.

A little extra detail was added to the inside cover.

And then I sewed it together. It was too small by about 1/8". Doesn't sound like much but it was enough to make it look like a mess, and there is no way that she would be able to switch up the journal once it was full because you couldn't slide it off. Grrrrr.

That meant making a second one. I tried to replicate the original as much as possible and I also included an aqua stripe because she is such a water baby; I always associate her with the lake.

It was wrapped before I had a chance to get a photo so you'll have to trust me when I say that the two are very similar. Not sure what I can do with the first one without lots of blue smoke rising from the sewing room so for now I'll just think on it. I may be able to resize it to a smaller cover, but I'm going to have to be in the mood for that!....M


  1. I know exactly what you mean. Hard to get the fit just right. Nice fabric choices.

  2. Marie, nice work on the journal cover. Don't worry about the miscalculation, a mistake is only an opportunity to discover/learn something. Happy New Year girl xox Linda

  3. I want to try to cover a book. I so love to see the others' projects that I think I am ready to give it a green light. :) As for the slight miscalculation, you know what men would reply : Just put duck tape on it! A sensible woman would say, just open a bottle a wine and drink to your finished project ;)

  4. Just stopping in to say how much I love my new journal cover. Thanks so much Marie and Happy New Year to all! Jane

  5. A really Nice cover - thanks for the idea!I love bali fabrics :)


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