Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Little Bit of Hand Sewing

I did something this past weekend that I haven't done in ages - I picked up Minnie and spent a little time cutting more hexies and doing a bit of hand sewing. It seems that much of my quilt sewing this fall has been on the machine or sewing bindings and such, but now that all the little felt birds and other Holly Bazaar sewing are out of the way I've been dying to just sit and stitch on Minnie for a bit. I was so pooped after our baking extravaganza that it was about all that I could do.

There were a few strips of a pretty dusty mauve that I had cut so I cut them into hexies and then sat down to watch my favourite seasonal tear jerker, It's a Wonderful Life. About an hour in my lids were slamming so The Official Cookie Tester kindly taped the rest and we trundled off to bed.

We finished watching the movie on Sunday and I managed to get about half of the hexie diamond border sewn on. It felt good to be back....M


  1. Looks amazing and you are making great progress

  2. It is lovely Marie. I notice that you don't use paper or cardboard templates basted to your hexies. So I presume you don't whip-stitch either? What is your method please?

  3. So pretty! Love that blue color you are using for the hexies. I invite you to link to Hexie Weekend to show off your progress. Will be up Friday morning and ends Monday, midnight.

  4. So pretty colours. Really relaxing to have a hexie quilt in your hands.

  5. Minnie looks like she is growing up to be a very nice quilt!


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