Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Unexpected UFO

If you took a look around my sewing room (or my kitchen, or living room, or study, for that matter) you would not be hard pressed to find any number of projects in varying stages of completion. I like it like that. I can work on what I feel like working on when the mood strikes, and eventually, a few of them move into the finished column. Well, I now have one more project to add to the unfinished column.

A couple of weeks ago I had lunch with a group of gals that I have worked with over the years; The Ladies Who Lunch get together once or twice a year as to have a few laughs and get caught up. This time around Elizabeth brought a bag with one of her UFOs in it hoping that someone would finish it up. She's not a quilter, but about 12 years she decided to try it and it's only gotten so far. She'd rather have it finished and that someone use it so she was ready to hand it off. Of course, I couldn't say no.

It's from Fons and Porter's 'For the Love of Christmas' magazine. And see those little samples of fabric hanging out from the corner?

She has everything organized and samples taped in place so that there's no confusing which fabric is for which piece.

It's called Stars in the Forest. All the pieces are cut and neatly bagged and labelled. There's even a bag of extra fabric, should it be needed.

All 20 blocks are made and they are huge - 20" - so all that's left to do is make the tree border and get this baby together; I have to look at the dimensions again, but I believe that it's a Queen sized quilt. Not sure what I will do with it when it is all done, maybe make it a charity quilt, but it will be nice to know that I helped someone move a UFO along....M


  1. I remember this pattern very well! My sister was quilting a lot when this magazine came out and she started to make it. Like this one, it didn't get finished. Best of luck giving this quilt some much needed love.:)

  2. This is a pretty design, well worth finishing up. I am amazed that Audrey remembers it! Hopefully it will go together quickly. :D

  3. Lovely quilt! I am sure you can find someone to give it to after completion. Maybe even that same friend? Enjoy!

  4. How exciting! It looks like a lovely quilt :-)


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