Monday, November 03, 2014

Dutch Treat

Dori has been bitten by the HST bug and on her design wall now hangs this beautiful quilt for her friend Roy. They have been great pals since college and, despite the fact that Roy has moved back to Amsterdam, continue to stay in touch. He's a wonderful guy and has such an infectious laugh that it's hard not to feel good when he is around.

As usual, Benny likes to test drive all of her creations and he seems pretty comfortable with this one.

It is based on a pattern by Denyse Schmidt (you can see some of Denyse's prints in it too) and measures about 62" x 50" so the blocks finish at about six inches; she is contemplating adding white border to it and I think that would be a nice finish.

The search is now on for a backing - something blue - he loves blue. And in the vein of trying something new, she is going to try and quilt it by machine; she's done smaller quilts but this will be her first large one done on the machine. I know that he will love it and appreciate both the thought and all of the work that is going in to it. That's what makes him such a great friend and the 'making' a real pleasure....M

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet. I am sure Roy will be over the moon to receive such a beautiful gift.


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