Saturday, October 25, 2014


Fly Away Home is all together! I started putting everything together on Friday and by Monday it was a quilt top. I am truly smitten. The diagonal layout is even better than I had imagined - this is going to be a favourite part of our Christmas traditions for years to come.

I keep expecting to find geese flying in the wrong direction, but so far, so good; if I find any they will stay where they are :).

But it wasn't without it's challenges. I had just put together the first few rows when my machine decided to do it's best impression of something demon possessed - it wouldn't sew, I couldn't adjust the stitch length and I just about lost a finger because the needle kept randomly bobbing up and down. Not impressed.

After calls to the shop and Janome I decided to take it to my regular guy here in town for a look, which was fine, but that meant that I didn't have a machine and I was raring to go. There was only one thing to do - resort to a life of crime.

Anne was away for the weekend so I planned a B&E (actually, I have a key, so that part was really easy) and absconded with her machine. Not knowing what projects she might have on the horizon I want to get it all sewn together before she returned late Sunday. It took me 'til Monday.

It was a 'pinfest' - every one of those joins needed to be pinned - so I just got into a good rhythm with it and slowly worked my way through.

I still need to trim it and sew the backing, but the deadline worked in my favour.

The colours are going to look great in the living room. It's almost hard to believe that I will have this for Christmas. "Yes, Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus"....M



  1. It is SOOOOOOO lovely in your living room. Great job. I loved the diagonal layout best and so glad you went with it. Now how to quilt it?

  2. wow you sewed like a woman possessed allright.
    It looks gorgeous. Definitely worth the effort with all the pinning.
    Well done!!

  3. It's gorgeous Marie, no wonder you're smitten.i don't think I would be putting it away after Christmas either. Lovely work.

  4. Awesome! Love them on the diagonal! I too would have procrastinated about cutting the edges off but it will be well worth it for the wonderful effect! And imagine having it done for Christmas too :-)

  5. This is going to be a beautiful christmas quilt! I love the diagonal layout, and I like that there are so many light fabrics in it, so that it doesn't look dark and heavy.

  6. Wowza! That is gorgeous! I think I would leave it out all year round, too. What are you going to bind it with? Jane

  7. LOVE it! Definitely a great design element to have the geese fly on the diagonal. What a gorgeous quilt.:)

  8. I really like the diagonal layout. The colors really look great in your living room. I do dislike pinning every seam but it sure makes the quilt go together better.


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