Friday, October 17, 2014

Add These To The List

I want to have more than the little felt birds and decos ready for the Holly Bazaar so I've set my mind to putting a few pot holders together. It's proving to be a great way to try new blocks. It's also a great way to use up scraps of batting and the insulated fabric - I just zig zag the remnants together and it works like a charm.

Thinking that I would make a pair, I pulled out a fat quarter of this gold holiday print with birds on it and started making flying geese with it. As I work through the first set I realized that if I played my cards right I could probably make four instead of two.

And, with a little fussy cutting, I was able to give each one a different centre, so they are all the same and yet different.

The deeper red binding worked out really well and that's what I backed them with too. I always hand stitch my bindings but thought I would try doing them by machine for this project. The first step worked out just fine but the topstitching looked maniacal - I think my binding was too narrow. So, off to find my trusty ripper and return to the hand sewing.

I might try the machine binding another time, say on a baby quilt where there is a little bit more to work with. No big deal - I like hand sewing and they were all done in no time.

So, one more thing (or is that four?) I can add to the basket for the bazaar basket....M

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