Friday, October 03, 2014

A Nice Little Collection

Tempting as it is to want to dive in and sew together Fly Away Home, I am trying to sew up a few projects for the Holly Bazaar and the Madonna House Gift Shop first. Hopefully my flying geese will be the carrot that I need to move the smaller projects along quickly. Happily, I now have a small little pile of success; I finished making three more bibs, so there are five ready now.

There are two pink versions...this one...

and this one.

I backed one with a pink print and the second one with this pretty blue - it is a lovely combination.

And then there is the turquoise with the tiny hearts if someone wants a stronger hit of colour. It's backed in the same turquoise.

All together they make a nice little bundle.

I've been craving something baked and chocolate lately and have had a zucchini ready to make into something for seemingly forever, so at lunch I whipped up a Chocolate Zucchini Loaf; chocolate and cinnamon are such a great combo. I split a slice with the Official Cookie Tester while it was still warm and 'OMG!' could be heard as he left the kitchen, so I guess he likes the combo too....M


  1. such pretty bibs.
    Zucchini makes it sound like its a health food... guilt free?

  2. Lovely bibs! The colours are so pretty. It's a great way to use left over fabrics. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Sweet bibs. They should sell quickly. I bookmarked the zucchini bread. Looks delicious!


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