Friday, September 19, 2014

Scrappy Little Stars

Cleaning off the ironing board gave me an excuse to try another block with the Hugs & Kisses scrap HSTs - the Friendship Star.

I debated as to whether I should make them out of just a single print with the white or mix things up, or maybe make the centre block the same in all of them; I opted for the mix.

They are quite charming and will be nice with the other blocks that I've made so far. And they will finish up at 5 1/2" so they aren't too big either. Fun! I'm almost finished trimming and pressing all of my Flying Geese but this was a nice diversion....M


  1. I love friendship stars! these are pretty...I love the scrappiness.

  2. Yes the mix centers was a good choice. Love scrappy too. They look so good maybe I will do that for my leader / ender work. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Very pretty with the mixed selection and so fresh with the white. It perfectly matches the sunny Spring day we're having here.

  4. love your little friendship stars... another way to use up those hst's?


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