Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ready to Wrap

Wonderful Roberta from Cocoa and Quilts had promised that she would have Sea Glass quilted by the end of the month so when she called late last Sunday to say that it was ready I was thrilled - she was more than a week ahead of schedule.

She has done another beautiful job of the quilting - her work is meticulous.

We picked a swirling pattern that has the slightest bit of feathering to it and it looks lovely against all of the strips. She chose a pale turquoise thread to stitch it and it is perfect. I know I called it Sea Glass, but the quilting is reminiscent of wintery snow drifts too.

She said she wanted to get it back to me quickly, not only so that I could get it to Jean on time but so that I could spend as much time as possible binding it, taking it at a leisurely pace and just enjoying all of the fabrics, because this would be the last time I would have with it, which I thought was a beautiful sentiment.

It's backed and bound with the same fabric, a light grey & cream print that has just a hint of blue. It is perfect - thanks again, Linda!

Last night I sat down to watch the Ryder Cup and cheer on the Europeans and got a little more than half of it bound.

Today, we enjoyed another spectacular day of weather - more summer than autumn, really - so I finished it off out on the deck, enjoying the warm sunshine, the fall colours and the last of the summer blossoms.

The Official Cookie Tester kindly agreed to hold it up so that I could get a full shot to show you.

So now it's off to Jean who will wrap it up and deliver it to the newlyweds. I hope that they enjoy it for many years to come....M


  1. It's so lovely. This one would be hard to part with, but I'm sure it will be loved in it's new home. A beautiful gift.

  2. It really is beautiful, the quilting compliments it well. Congratulations on such a lovely finish. It will be well loved and appreciated, I'm sure.


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