Saturday, September 06, 2014

Measuring Up

There are 80 blocks made for Sea Glass now so I've laid them all out to get a sense of colour placement, and also to see how large it is.

Right now it measures 56 x 70" and I wasn't sure if it needed to be larger or not. If I make it larger it would need to have 2 rows added to both the end and the side (40 blocks), so I checked with Jean before doing anything further. She confirmed that the newlyweds want to use it on their sofa and that this size works, so I'm good to go.

I thought I might work on it today but spent most of the day at the church getting ready for our parish roast beef dinner, which is tomorrow. Between my friend Lynn and I we made a total 30 pumpkin, lemon butterscotch pies so I'm a little pooped; maybe I'll give it a shot tomorrow before we head to work at the dinner.

The colours in the photos don't do it justice (the joys of basement lighting), but I am really happy with how the blocks have come together. Its a soft, pretty palette with lots of variety and I hope that they like it too.....M


  1. I love it Marie. It can be really hard to make a quilt for a young couple, but I think you have nailed it. Lovely, subtle colours and a style that will age gracefully. Well done.

  2. That's beautiful! How did you get the white strips to end up in the same place in every square? I love this one.

  3. Tangled Threads...the CENTER diagonal strip for ALL blocks is white. All other strips are scrappy. In place of white you can use any color. If yellow would look better for your quilt, use yellow. Just make sure you use it for all your blocks. Or make it entirely scrappy and use any color for center diagonal strip.

  4. Having quilted for a "while" there are a lot of strips in my stash and this quilt would be perfect to use them up. Starting at the center with the standard width white, lattice strip, is what gives this pattern some "control", which really appeals to a person who likes to control her chaos. :)


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