Sunday, July 06, 2014

Slow Stitching and Quiet Visitors

It's been a beautiful weekend weather-wise so today included a bit of time quietly stitching on the deck.

More Minnie blocks...

Many in the neighbourhood are away for the weekend so it's very quiet, which could explain why these lovelies have been visiting.

Two beautiful reasons why my hostas along the back lot line don't seem to amount to much - actually, there are three (two fawns) but I've only been able to snap one at a time. They are cute to watch scampering across the back lawn and don't seem that bothered by the fact that I'm sitting on the deck. Not a bad price to pay for a few mangled hostas, I guess...M


  1. oh they are cute BUT they can reek havoc in the yard.
    glad your enjoying the visitors though, I agree its nice to see them up close in the wild.

  2. What a beautiful spot to sit and stitch. I use to have visitors like that too but I've seen none this year and last year too. Wonder what happen!
    Enjoy the stitching. Beautiful hexies diamonds.

  3. Love your little hexie blocks. What a beautiful place to sit and stitch.

  4. I love to sit in my backyard and stitch too. No deer but I do have squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits and birds. You have a lovely place to sit and stitch.

  5. Wow, your garden is so green, no wonder you have such lovely visitors! It must have been perfectly peaceful sewing on your deck.

  6. Such beauty in which to enjoy hand stitching... it's a paradise!
    Thanks for linking up!


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