Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Minnie Me

There's been lots and lots of intensive computer work for my day job lately and, as much as I'd like to keep going with the String quilt (it needs a different name), my eyes and neck and shoulders just weren't up for sitting for a couple of hours in front of another machine, so I moved to one of the many little quilting bundles around the house and found several Minnie diamonds that have been made for a while and pressed them.

There are 12 in this batch, and lots of new colours, which has been fun. I'm certain that after a while they all look the same to you, but they are like kids, each unique in their own way.

Love this rustic little gingham; it's adding a new dimension to the whole thing.

I know that I keep threatening to put together larger combinations of diamonds but it's so much fun working on the little ones that I don't seem to get there.

I think I'll pick up a needle and thread and see where it takes me. Either that or go for a quick nap - I'm pooped!....M

p.s. A while back I had a question from a no-reply blogger and since I couldn't get in touch with them I thought I'd answer it here. She wanted to know why my stitches don't show through on the front of my work. I suspect that it's because they are hand stitched and not EPP.


  1. I'm going to have to get on the hexie bandwagon. Your blocks are looking "unique" with all those different fabrics. Keep going!

  2. All of your minis are amazing. Btw. how large are your mini hexagons. Wonderful work!!


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