Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Backing It Up

I know that last time I said I'd share the blues & greys that I was hunting for, but we spent Saturday with Jane at the lake and she made great progress on the backing for her Fruit Salad, so that takes priority. And, you'll be happy to know, this time I've got pictures that are focused!

She wanted to piece the backing so we drafted a plan where she inserts a vertical row of large triangles between two larger pieces of backing. After a little hunt through her fabric bins, she found the perfect fabrics - a paisley and a small polka dot.

She's anxious to get the backing done so that she can start quilting it so we set to work and drafted her triangle, and she was off to the races.

By the time we left she had most of the strip finished and I'm certain that it's all together now. It is stunning!

When I wasn't drafting a new version of Danuta's Garden, or doing a little klepto quilting hunting through her stash for light blues, I spent quality time supervising from the hammock; given her progress, I'd say I did a good job. :) ....M

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention that I was a pieced-backing virgin, and this was all new territory for me! I usually back my quilts with flannelette, so this is really stepping outside my comfort zone. hahah jane


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