Friday, May 02, 2014

Vintage Wedding Ring

Betty has been busy quilting yet another quilt this winter & spring and, incredibly, has it almost finished. She just seems to be flying through them, especially when you compare it to the speed that I go. This one is the beautiful vintage Double Wedding Ring that Jane gave her last winter. It is going to be a beautiful garage sale find.

She's using rich colours of perle cotton to outline the rings - fuscia, gold, blue, purple, orange and green.

And then white thread for the pattern between the rings that gives the whole thing a very lacy effect...

as well as in the circular motif in the border.

The fabrics look much like Liberty prints, but I don't think that they are. Regardless, they are beautiful and so is the quilt. She is such a speedy little thing that I think the only thing that will slow her down is if we get some warmer weather and she can start moving her energy out to the flower and veggie gardens. I suspect that this will be off the frames before that happens....M


  1. Hi Marie; I bought this from a co-worker for $25 years ago. I can't remember where she bought it. The fabrics look like 1949 vintage to my eye. So happy to see it finally get the love it deserves! Betty's quilting is beautiful. Jane

  2. I just finished in last evening! Will send some pics of the back -- it's lovely. Thanks, Jane for being so generous!


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