Sunday, May 11, 2014


I am always intrigued by just how much happiness we create with a few yards of fabrics, some thread and a bit of batting. We're happy thinking about new projects, happy playing with fabulous prints, and happy dreaming about our next project (or 2, or 20...), to say nothing of the happiness we feel when we finish one off. And, we are equally thrilled when we are able to gift our work to someone close, or someone in need, who is tickled pink to receive it. It's why we quilt.

Proof of that was the recent delivery of Stained Glass (also referred to as Buckeye Beauty, by some). After years of yearning to be living in the country, our good friend Mireille realized her dream last year. It was a big step and one that Anne, Betty and I wanted to celebrate by making a quilt for her new home. You've seen a few posts about Stained Glass and now I can share that this was Mireille's housewarming gift.

Anne started the ball rolling, selecting fabrics and sewing about half the blocks. I cut the last of it, finished the other half of the blocks and put the top together. Baylea consulted on the final block layout.

And then Betty sat down with needle and gorgeous perle cottons and quilted it, beautifully tying together all the elements.

She also finished it off with a prairie point edging, turning them towards the quilt, before she bound it. Lots of steps, lots of fun, lots of love.

Wrapped in happiness, from start to finish. Mission accomplished....M


  1. Threads really do bind us together, especially when they are stitched into a wonderful quilt that is made with love!

  2. Oh what a wonderful gift! You ladies did an awesome job!

  3. Very sweet! Love that kind of happiness.:)

  4. Very well done, everyone! I'm sure it will be a treasure. Congratulations to Mireille too, on realizing her dream!

  5. It was an amazing gift to see the joy and surprise on Mireille's face as she received her quilt. Life in the country seems to suit her.

  6. My goodness, that is one of the prettiest quilts I've seen in Blog Land for a long time ! Lucky lady.


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