Monday, April 21, 2014

In The Pink

Hugs & Kisses quilt
I'd forgotten that there was a pink fabric included in this collection - I had set it aside thinking that it might be the backing - but since it would only be large enough for a baby quilt I've decided to incorporate it into the front instead and I'm really glad that I did - it's a nice addition.

My handy dandy green painter's tape is being used to give me a sewing guide to help me stay true to those diagonal sewing lines that I score with the Hera marker.

Cutting off and throwing away all of those corner triangles that result from the trimming just isn't in my DNA so I've added a few steps to the tutorial. It's a little hard to see, but I sew second line of stitching a scant half inch inside the first two rows of stitching and then I cut down the middle of the rows. When a block is finished I end up with 4 lovely HSTs, 2 that are about 1 3/4" and 2 more slightly smaller, so there is absolutely no waste, which I love.

HSTs hold so much potential but I'm thinking that these could be the beginning of some lovely little baskets.

Maybe  lots of different basket designs all in the same quilt. At any rate I've got the makings of at least two quilts when I thought  was only making one....M


  1. The quilt is looking gorgeous! I like the idea of no wasted fabric, good thinking!

  2. I love how this quilt is turning out. The pattern and your fabrics are gorgeous!


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