Thursday, April 24, 2014

Basket Case

Tiny basket quilt
Remember those HSTs that I've been making from the Hugs & Kisses trimmings? Well, they are proving to be perfect for making lovely little baskets.

I started pressing the seams on the smaller size and, of course, that meant I had to lay a few blocks out to see what they might look like.

And, since the white fabric was so close by, I cut a few strips for the edge pieces...

Tinly basket quilt blocks
and before you knew it there were three lovely little blocks. I cut yellow triangles to finish off the top row of the basket and might play around with adding additional colours to the mix - not sure yet.

I also need to figure out what to do with the top half of the block. If I add a handle I'll need to split the seam to tuck the ends in, but I'm thinking that it might be fun to appliqué (eek!) something in them instead. Or maybe yo yo flowers? I'll need to ponder this a bit.

Finished, the HST blocks are 1.25" and the entire block is about 8" in size. Sa-weet!....M


  1. Sweet, sweet, sweet.

  2. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the lure of the basket! They look lovely with the white. Too much fun!

  3. I love basket blocks and yours are truly sweet.

  4. Adorable! Love the gold in the top row of each!

  5. Adorable!
    Don't let applique scare you, it's not much different than hand quilting and you've mastered that!


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