Sunday, April 06, 2014

A Culinary Diversion

I've been dividing my time between machine quilting Broken Plates and hand quilting Confetti and decided that I needed a little diversion. Spring is apparently on its way, though you wouldn't necessarily guess that from the blanket of white that still covers the ground, and it got me to thinking of all things Spring, and rhubarb in particular.

There are still several bags of rhubarb in the freezer from last year so my mission in life came to be finding a new rhubarb recipe to help use them up. The New York Times to the rescue! This upside down cake seemed to be calling my name, and I'm so glad that it did. From the lemony cake to the sour cream to the yummy sweet/tart rhubarb topping - it hit all the high notes. A warm slice topped with a dollop of vanilla ice cream was met with rave reviews by The Official Cookie Tester.

If you like rhubarb I'd suggest putting this on your list. One note about the flour. I bake a lot but have to say that I haven't had particular luck with cake & pastry flour. When I saw that this recipe called for cake flour I hesitated a bit but decided to go ahead with it. The Official Cookie Tester ran a few errands for me, including picking up some flour, but it was self-rising, so after a little Googling I found a way to modify all-purpose flour to get the same effect, something you might want to try if you find yourself in the same predicament.

We return you now to regular programming....M


  1. The cake looks and sounds delicious! Happy quilting :-)

  2. Yum! Love rhubarb and the cake looks divine!


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