Sunday, March 30, 2014

Size Matters

After I had laid out all of the HST blocks for the baby quilt it was looking a little on the small size (I don't like a skimpy quilt), so I cut 12 more sets of blocks (48 in total) and added 2 rows to both the side and the bottom. I want the width to be closer to 40" and right now, before any seam allowances, it measures less than 38".

I've been using the 4-at-a-time method for making my HST blocks and love it - they are done in no time. Starting with a pair of 6" blocks, just sew a 1/4" seam around all 4 edges. Some people pivot at the corner but it's faster just to sew from one edge to the other.

After you press the seams to set them just cut diagonally across the block in both directions. Ta da - 4 HSTs.

The extra stitching gets cut off when you trim the corners.

Time to get the rows put together....M


  1. All those blue fabrics together are lovely. Thanks for the reminder about that hst method.

  2. It's looking really good. Great idea for the hst.

  3. I love this blue and white quilt - it looks the way a quilt should look!


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