Monday, March 10, 2014

Quiet Time

In the spirit of 'finish it up' that I've been working to lately I've been concentrating more and more on getting Confetti quilted.

The living room is brighter to work in for much of the day and there's a comfy slipper chair there too, so I moved the hoop into that room and have been picking it up much more regularly than when it was in the study (no TV to distract me either).

It's by no means finished yet but I'm making very good progress and hope to have the bulk of it done this winter. Borders might take me into next winter, but I'm finally starting to feel that the end is in sight.

All this time with needle and thread has given me time to consider the border pattern. I want a design that is fairly linear so that I can mark it with painter's tape and avoid having to draw anything. I've got two options that I'm mulling about now and like both of them.

It's still a slow process because I do one stitch at a time - for whatever reason, despite have very strong fingers I haven't been able to master a running stitch yet - but it is progress, and a very pleasant way to sneak in 15 - 20 minutes of stitching....M


  1. Your quilt is those soft colours!! I hand quilt myself and even though it seems to take forever, I love it!! I am nowhere near 10 or 12 stitches per inch and never will be, but that's ok too! My technique is to gather the fabric as I am quilting, so I have about 3 or 4 stitches running - it works for me!

  2. I am in the process of setting up a quilt to hand quilt in my living room(that we don't use). It is bright and just off the kitchen so I can sneak in stitches even while making supper. Keep going with the hand quilting and one day you will be rocking that needle and wondering why you didn't do it sooner!! Very pretty quilt it from the book in the pic and what is the full title of that book?

  3. So lovely, someday I'm going to do this hand quilting thing!

  4. I really do love your quilt - it must be so calming to work on it with all those soft pretty colours. Simply gorgeous!

  5. Hi Marie - love this quilt too! You really have a talent for picking and combining pretty prints. This one looks so old fashioned. Can't wait to see what you do with the border!

  6. Marvelous photos! Loved seeing your quilting... thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!


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