Wednesday, March 05, 2014

An Early Spring

Spring  Garden quilt
With so many of us weary of this long, long, cold winter, thoughts of an early Spring are hard to resist. It looks like March will continue to be cold, so I took matters into my own hands and put the last of the borders on Spring Garden. Hopefully that will help convince Mother Nature to move things on a bit. BTW, that's another one off the chair!

Because there was some ripping required to make the corners work I had to wait until I was in mood (read 'patient') before sitting down to this one again.

The white border is done in a tone on tone - it's subtle but almost lacey when you look at it. Here it is against the light so that you can see the difference between the border and the white used throughout the centre panel.

Spring Garden quilt - 9 patches & square in a square
I'm really happy with it, primarily because it is a happy little quilt (actually, not so little anymore...).

There was just enough of the blue floral for a 6" border and I'm thinking that I'll pick up on the green in the print for a backing and binding, probably two different prints.

So, early as it is, happy Spring! Here's a few bright tulips to help you imagine that it really is on its way....M


  1. Everyone is ready for spring. Your quilt hopefully will convince Mother Nature to send warmer temperatures our way. A lovely quilt!

  2. Beautiful, Marie! I really like that square of the border fabric inside the white. It reminds me of cutwork!

  3. Absolutely lovely! It sure is a happy quilt!

  4. It really is a happy quilt and it looks like Spring. We had snow this morning but it is sunny now so hopefully Spring isn't far off!

  5. This quilt is so lovely. Looks really like spring.

  6. Beautiful quilt. I love the boarder.

  7. I hopped along your "Linkwithin" images/links at the bottom of your posts to follow along on this quilt to this point. It was interesting to see your little drawings/sketches in a previous post. I do the same thing and have scraps of paper in stacks in a few places where I usually sit or work. It was also interesting to read how inspiration came for the changes you made to get to the finished top. Well, it IS beautiful. I haven't seen a link to the quilted finish but I'm sure whatever you did enhanced the beautiful fabrics and patters of the top.
    Nancy (ndmessier @,


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