Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday Sewing

Goose Tracks quilt
We're into the dead of winter and the gals at the church are chomping at the bit for a quilting project so I'm going to get them to quilt my Goose Tracks.

I've washed the backing and now need to get it sewn together. As is always the case for me, there is a little wringing of hands as to how to quilt it, but I think I'll go pretty traditional - a quarter inch line around the pattern, maybe cross hatching in the alternating squares and then a diagonal line around the border that ties in with the saw tooth border.

I've also picked up quilting on Stephanie's Confetti again and would like to buckle down and get the stitching done on it sooner than later. It's cold out today so maybe the time is right to sit by the fire with needle and thread in hand and a warm quilt draped over my lap.

I might need to dig in to the decadent Valentine cupcakes that Julia made for the Official Cookie Tester and I to keep me going - that is if he doesn't beat me to the punch!....M


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