Sunday, February 09, 2014


Minnie - 5/8 inch hexies
I've been laying out some of the larger Minnie diamonds to start getting them sewn together and its been fun watching the look and feel of the quilt change. Now it's starting to resemble the photo that I've been working from, which is pretty exciting.

While I was Pinning the other night I came across two new images of the original quilt and a little more info about it on the Peoples Collection Wales site. I hadn't realized just how scrappy it was (luv scrappy) and not nearly as colour coordinated as I had thought. It was a bit of a relief because now I think I could include just about anything in it and it would still work.

The part that freaked me out a bit was discovering that the original had well over 17,000+ hexies. Eeek! This could take longer than I thought.

I guess it's no big deal though because I knew I was in for the long haul with this one and it will be finished when it will be finished.

Large hexagon diamond for Minnie quilt
And speaking of finished...I noticed that one corner that I thought was finished is not. I'm missing a hexie on one of the larger diamonds. Whaaaaat? Only goes to show that sometimes we see what we want to see....M


  1. I just looked at the photos of the quilt from Wales. How did you even know where to begin! You're right any fabric will add to the glory of that quilt. Wow! Yours is right on track.

  2. I would be excited too! It's looking fantastic.

  3. Your diamonds are great. I agree about loving watching how the quilt developes. What a great feeling! I have gotten to the point I need to make smaller sections to add to the larger section. Somehow, mine is turning out larger than I thought it would be.

  4. Absolutely fabulous! I'm really enjoying watching this one grow. It is on my "to do" list as well!

  5. Awww beautiful. Your fabric choices are very calming. Love what you've done so far.

  6. Drat, now I will be singing that all day!

    Thank you for posting the link to the original inspiration. I love the nested diamonds! I agree, it will be done when it's done. It's nice to know that you have a lot of leeway in your fabric choices, and it will still turn out great!

    This is a strong candidate for my next EPP project. (I can't decide if I should put a smiley or a frowny face after that sentence!)


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