Friday, December 27, 2013

Belated Christmas Greetings

I'm not quite sure where the last 4 days have gone but I do seem to recall a big guy in a red suit, lots of food and drinks and fun and laughter, and a raucous Boxing Day Road Hockey game.

Last weekend after all the baking was done and packed in the freezer I found a little time before the festivities began in earnest to sip a bit of eggnog and watch It's A Wonderful Life with the Official Cookie Tester (one of my favourite traditions) and I also picked up Minnie to enjoy a little hand stitching after a long hiatus.

Now that things are quieter again and the dust is settling I plan to sit and relax, enjoy some of those cookies, and do more stitching.

Santa brought me some lovely quilty treats and a couple of fabulous new cookbooks - I'll share with you in a day or so.

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful holiday season filled with much love and laughter....M


  1. Sounds like the perfect way to relax after Christmas.

  2. Hi Marie! Sounds like you had a wonderful time but like you I am looking forward to life getting back to normal (we lost our power in the ice storm) so I can settle down and do some sewing! All the best of the season to you and yours!


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