Friday, November 01, 2013


We spent two glorious weeks this month travelling to China to visit with my brother and his wife and do some exploring so, in anticipation of long flights and layovers, I pulled together a travel kit for Minnie thinking that I would get tons done. I was even concerned that I had not cut enough hexies to work with but had to settle for the amount that fit in my dollar store container. As it turns out I didn't have much to worry about.

With all the changes of venue and excitement of travelling I sewed very little in the airports or on the flights, managing only to finish up 3 diamonds and a bit.

I was a  bit concerned that my scissors might get caught up in the security scans but it turns out that they were more interested in my hair mousse! (Recognize your pink scraps, Jane?)

Anyway, 3 more is better than no more...

And since we have been home I finished off this one, so the count is actually 4 more to be added to the pile. Still loving how they look....M

1 comment:

  1. Marie I hope you meant hair mousse...unless there is a mouse living in your hair that we don't know about! hahah Jane


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