Saturday, October 26, 2013

Dutch Treat

My sister Frances has resurrected a project that she started when she was 12 (she just celebrated her 50th birthday this spring and figured it was time to put this one to bed, so to speak). It's a pattern called The Little Dutch Girl. Actually, Anne made this one around the same time, but hers has been in use for several years now :).

With some help from mom - and she concedes a fair bit of help from mom - she appliquéd 12 blocks and now she's trying to figure out how to put it together.

She and Betty tossed around ideas to make the layout more contemporary and have found a second pieced block for the alternate blocks (the brown check is the carpet). Truth be told, this has never been one of my favourite patterns but I think that this is a brilliant idea.

This is the block that she has decided on (Pinterest comes through again!). Isn't it beautiful? She's doing it in hot, bright colours - pinks, blues, purples, greens - and a variety of white-on-white fabrics. The blocks are about 12" square so the pieces will be small, and the overall effect incredible. That little Dutch Girl won't know what hit her!....M

1 comment:

  1. This is a sweet pattern which I have always liked. Maybe because it was the first quilt I made and only one of a very few which I appliqued. I stitched the blocks one summer. The white blocks were from a stack of men's shirts mom had acquired and the floral a fabric from a summer top I had made. My blocks are the reverse of Fran's. I used mauve for the arm and bonnet and the floral for the skirt. The sashing is green and the edges are quite frayed. One of these days I should rebind it as the rest of the quilt is still in good shape. I also like the black embroidery thread outline pattern.


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